Whidbey Island

This is Jess, she co-hosts the Westcoast Booksters Podcast with me.

I never knew this place existed until I met my friend, Jessica, who lives on this island outside of Seattle.

We took the ferry, and walked along the beach searching for the whales. They did not show. But decided to show after we left. Go figure.

Fort Casey

Fort Casey on the island is where they shot some Znation episodes. It was a fun place to explore.

The one thing we truly loved about it was Bubba Burger. A delicious little burger joint only available on the island.

Finding out about the island was a special treat and if you have the time, definitely visit.

They had different parts you could explore open at fort.

The ferry does get busy, and sometimes you do have to wait in line for hours before you can cross. Just keep this in mind, maybe avoid going on the day you’re supposed to leave to the airport, which we totally did not do…

It was super windy that day. Luckily I didn’t wear anything it could take advantage of. Canon at Fort Casey

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